[OTR-users] @developers, may I create a german OTR website?

Ian Goldberg ian at cypherpunks.ca
Fri Feb 2 22:11:34 EST 2007

On Sat, Feb 03, 2007 at 01:01:11AM +0100, readytogo2 wrote:
> Yes. Two trees of source isn`t a good idea. Is gettext the most common
> way to create multilang projects? It doesn`t seam that easy.
> my nomination:
> - Default lagunage: English.
> - Inside the sourcecode you use variables instant of text for one of the
> next versions of otr.
> - The variabels will load before. Load lang_standard (english).
> - If the user changes languange to it`s native one you will load
> lang_native and overwrite most (incase not everything is translated) or
> all old lang variabels (if everything is translated well).
> Hard to explain this with my little programming experience. I hope I
> could make clear what I mean. However, it won`t be to much new code to
> write for multilang support as there is not so much text right now.

gettext really is the standard way to do this, though I've never used
it before, myself.  But if someone has done this before, I'd be happy to
incorporate it.

   - Ian

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