[OTR-users] Spanish Translation

Ian Goldberg ian at cypherpunks.ca
Mon Jun 18 08:41:20 EDT 2012

On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 12:31:28AM -0400, SevenFactors wrote:
> I can't seem to be able to locate the right es.po file.
> Given that I'm using a Windows machine, I installed
> "pidgin-otr-4.0.0-0-beta1.exe"
> Under the OTR directory "C:\Program Files\pidgin-otr" there is no /po/
> sub-directory
> *Note*: Curiosity had me check under the Pidgin directory and this is when
> I found the closest thing to a localization file.
> C:\Program Files\Pidgin\locale\es\LC_MESSAGES/pidgin-otr.mo
> This is when I decided to download the Linux files. I opened them using
> 7-zip. Digging under "pidgin-otr-4.0.0-beta1.tar.gz" I found the /po/
> directory. The es.po file in here is from "Project-Id-Version: pidgin-otr
> 3.1.0-es\n"
> What am I missing? How do I access the es.po file for
> pidgin-otr-4.0.0-beta1?

Use the XX.po file I attached to the previous message entitled
"Instructions for translators".  You can also find it here:


There are also further instructions in that message.  Basically, you'll
be renaming "XX" to "es" in the template XX.po file, and filling in the
strings, some of which you'll copy from the 3.1.0 es.po file you already

Thanks for helping!

   - Ian

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