[OTR-users] Pidgin-OTR Logging Behaviour

Ben Bridts ben at bridts.be
Thu Feb 2 04:26:56 EST 2012

On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 16:57, Rob Smits <rdfsmits at cs.uwaterloo.ca> wrote:

> Here are some possible changes:
> -Keep current default behaviour, but always output a message like the
> following when an OTR conversation is started:  This conversation is being
> saved/not being saved (depending on current settings).
> -Change current default behaviour to explicitly disable logging for OTR
> conversations, and output the above message.
> -When an OTR conversation starts, explicitly ask the user whether they
> wish to log OTR conversations (if no Pidgin-OTR logging preference is
> found), and perhaps output the above message. Once the user provides an
> answer, future OTR conversations will not trigger this prompt.
> I don't think outputting a message like "this conversation is not being
saved" is a good idea, because it gives a false sense of security. We don't
know the client that is used by the chat partner and whether he is logging
the conversation or not.
Saying it is not logged would make a lot of people assume that it isn't
logged anywhere, not that it isn't logged on their PC.
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