[OTR-dev] making DATA_REQUEST and DATA_RESPONSE official TLVs (aka OTRDATA)

Hans-Christoph Steiner hans at guardianproject.info
Fri Feb 6 04:32:19 EST 2015

So far, resounding silence on this, so I'll try again!

We (Guardian Project/ChatSecure) are currently working on nailing down the
final API of our DATA_RESPONSE and DATA_REQUEST TLVs for in-band data
transfer.  We have it implemented now in otr4j and OTRKit, its been integrated
in ChatSecure-android for 6+ months, and now we are pushing forward getting
this integrated into more apps.

We have been using the TLV numbers 100 and 101 to make sure that we don't
conflict with anything that might be in the works.  I think now is the time to
make an official number so that new apps do not need to handle a migration
from the temp numbers.

What do we need to officially claim TLV numbers in the OTR protocol? How about
9 and 10?  Should I submit a patch to libotr?  Once we get it nailed down, the
OTRKit code can be ported to libotr, since OTRKit is really a wrapper of libotr.

Here is some more discussion, for those who want to know more details:

And OTRKit's implementation:


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