[OTR-dev] Identity Based Encryption plug-in based on OTR

Peter Fairbrother zenadsl6186 at zen.co.uk
Wed Mar 5 19:03:54 EST 2008

mehmet muhtar wrote:
> Sorry guys if this is a repost, I somehow did not receive a confirmation 
> on sent mail.
> Hello guys,
> I really am sorry if this is not the place, but I have to get an answer 
> about this issue since this is my graduation project.
> I am assigned to design an IBE (Identity Based Encryption) plug-in for 
> Pidgin 

I think that one if the reasons why responses have been lacking is 
because there is a philosophical conflict: OTR is all about the user 
retaining control of his communications and keys. while IBE is 
necessarily [1] about centralised key control and administration.

But I don't know enough about the OTR libraries to answer you anyway.

[1] unless you have invented something new in IBE - if anyone is 
interested, perhaps one of Ian students?, I have a small suggestion and 
no time to work on it.

-- Peter Fairbrother

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