[OTR-dev] Key question

Michael Donaghy md401 at cam.ac.uk
Thu Jan 12 17:39:33 EST 2006

> Sometimes people ask if this can be done *automatically*, and the answer
> is "not usually", since most people don't have their IM account names
> listed on their PGP keys.  How is software to know that the PGP key for
> "ian at cypherpunks.ca" is the one that should be used to check the
> signature on the OTR key for "otr4ian on AIM"?
The same way PGP knows the keys for "martin orr" and "lucinda lynx" are the 
ones to use for checking the signatures on my key. A pgp signature contains 
the ID of the signing key, so you can easily use the right key to check it, 
even downloading it off a keyserver if necessary.
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