[OTR-dev] otr projects visual studio workspaces

s0rr0w mr.s0rr0w at gmail.com
Thu Oct 20 19:11:35 EDT 2005

hi all,
since I want to work on otrproxy and actually I can do this mainly
on win32 platforms, I made dsw/dsp workspaces of libotr and
otrproxy for visual studio 6 (vs.net are easily derived).

I created the project using sourcesafe

actually you can build, without changing original code:
(but you can use also libgcrypt binaries you have)
libotr-head (at 21-10-2005)

I have not yet made test on otrproxy, I will do.
If useful, feel free to use and ask.
Thank you for otr effort, keep on :)

Francesco "s0rr0w" Picasso

Note: the only change I had to make to original source code was in

typedef struct fingerprint {
     struct fingerprint *next;
     struct fingerprint **tous;
     unsigned char *fingerprint;
     struct context *context;
     char *trust;
} Fingerprint;

this structure cannot compile (with vs) in a C++ file even if using
extern "C". So I did this little "alteration"

typedef struct _fingerprint_ {
     struct _fingerprint_ *next;
     struct _fingerprint_ **tous;
     unsigned char *fingerprint;
     struct context *context;
     char *trust;
} Fingerprint;

that's all.

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