[OTR-users] Fwd: [guardian-alpha] Gibberbot 0.0.3 RC 3 (201100304b)

Nathan of Guardian nathan at guardianproject.info
Fri Mar 4 14:18:36 EST 2011

Hash: SHA256

Hey everyone,

The Guardian Project is looking both for end-user feedback, as well, as
technical review of our OTR implementation for Gibberbot, an open-source
XMPP messaging app for Android which aims to be as secure as possible by

We are using the OTR4J project on Android:

You can find the custom bits of our implementation here:

We've got some fun twists on things including support for QRCode
scanning as way to quickly verify keys in person (screenshots here:

Currently, the keys and verified fingerprints are stored on the file
system via a Java Properties class. With Android, each app has its own
internal storage space protected by user permissions, and this gives us
some amount of security there. However, we are moving the entire app to
sit on top of a symmetric key encrypted SQLite database shortly.


- -------- Original Message --------
Subject: [guardian-alpha] Gibberbot 0.0.3 RC 3 (201100304b)
Date: Fri, 04 Mar 2011 13:50:33 -0500
From: Nathan of Guardian <nathan at guardianproject.info>
Organization: The Guardian Project
To: guardian-dev <guardian-dev at lists.mayfirst.org>,
guardian-alpha at lists.mayfirst.org

We've got a new release candidate worthy build ready for you to test!

You can find it in the Android Market or download it directly here:

To provide feedback or report issues, you have three options:
1) Reply to this email (easy)

2) Fill out this form (a little more involved):

3) Enter issues into Github (the best, but a little more complex):

Here's a short list of what has been fixed:

- - Wizard UI should now work better on landscape mode and smaller
screens.... no more hidden buttons!

- - Included an updated build of the ASmack XMPP library that powers the
chat protocol bit of our app. This has the latest patches from the core
Smack library.

- - Improved TLS certification verification process and properly tied into
Settings menu; added support for Android BKS keystore and cacerts

- - Added support for controlling whether SRV DNS record lookup is done or
not (it is better NOT too for privacy reasons, especially when running
over Tor)

- - Began the localization process into all supported Android SDK
languages (starting automated, will bring humans in later to edit)

- - Turned off inappropriate autocomplete/suggest where possible

- - Cleaned up graphics and text copy
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