[OTR-users] OTR-plugin makes Pidgin crash

Gilles Gravier gilles at gravier.org
Thu Jul 14 02:47:06 EDT 2011

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Hi, George!
Can you give us more context? Does it crash on start? Or does it crash
when using a specific protocol? When doing somehing special? Every time?
Or only every now and then? I'm using Pidgin 2.9.0 and OTR 3.2 and it
doesn't crash. Ever.
I'm on Windows 7 x64, I've been updating Pidgin every single version
that came out. It still works without crashing.
So maybe you give us a bit more details. :)
On 14/07/2011 08:42, George-Lopez wrote:
> Hello.
> I noticed this fact a while ago, since Pidgin 2.6.x
> I'm using Pidgin 2.9.0 now, OTR plugin 3.2, and here are the crash logs
> from Pidgin: http://pastebin.com/sVPuNnwm
> The pidgin team told me it's because of the OTR plugin, so i'm asking you.
> I hope there's still a developer in here :)
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