[OTR-users] Pidgin OTR, Purple Plugin Pack and Privacy

Ian Goldberg ian at cypherpunks.ca
Sun Dec 18 11:49:27 EST 2011

On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 02:55:18PM +1100, Peter Lawler wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just thought I'd drop a note to the list to let you know of a 'bug' in
> the Purple Plugin Pack as provided by the team at Guifications.org
> (well, technically, not a bug but a Request For Enhancement... but the
> side effect may be considered a 'bug' in the normal lingo of users)
> 'Last Seen should ignore OTR enabled buddies'
> https://www.guifications.org/issues/694

Welcome aboard, Peter!

I'm a little unclear on what exactly "Last Seen" does.  From the sounds
of it, it logs the last time your buddies were advertising that they are
online?  Or the last time you sent them an IM?  Or the last time you
received one from them?

> 1. I recommend OTR users ensure that they do NOT use LastSeen for now.

This depends on what you're concerned about, I guess.  Many people just
don't want the *contents* of their communications logged.  The *fact*
that you've communicated with someone is already known to at least the
IM server (and anyone watching the network).

But I grant that some certainly have potentially stricter privacy

   - Ian

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