[OTR-users] OTR conversation window menu

Ian Goldberg ian at cypherpunks.ca
Wed Nov 26 09:10:30 EST 2008

On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 01:22:36AM +0200, Andrei Boros wrote:
> I have discovered that when OTR plugin is enabled, in the conversation
> window menu I have 2 new items :
> "OTR" and an icon menu item.
> Both display the same menu, that of OTR. :-??

That's correct.  The new (well, not so new any more) version of Pidgin
allows you to have multiple conversations going on at the same time in
the same tab.  If you do that, you need a way to tell which ones are
private and which aren't.  In that case, you'd see a single OTR menu
(with the currently active conversation in it), and one little icon for
each conversation, with the inactive ones lowlighted.

   - Ian

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