[OTR-users] Re: [OTR-announce] pidgin-otr 3.2.0 released

Paul Wouters paul at cypherpunks.ca
Sun Jun 15 22:41:11 EDT 2008

On Sun, 15 Jun 2008, Ian Goldberg wrote:

> We are pleased to announce the release of pidgin-otr 3.2.0 (along with
> libotr 3.2.0).

While building libotr, I still get these:

libotr.x86_64: E: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath /usr/bin/otr_modify ['/usr/lib64']
libotr.x86_64: E: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath /usr/bin/otr_sesskeys ['/usr/lib64']
libotr.x86_64: E: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath /usr/bin/otr_parse ['/usr/lib64']
libotr.x86_64: E: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath /usr/bin/otr_remac ['/usr/lib64']
libotr.x86_64: E: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath /usr/bin/otr_readforge ['/usr/lib64']
libotr.x86_64: E: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath /usr/bin/otr_mackey ['/usr/lib64']

Some GUI items:

When you have the icon and text "not private", you can only right click
on it. Can we make left click do "start new private conversation" ?

When you are "private" (eg you have authenticated the other end), the
menu shows "Authenticate user". It implies (wrongly) that the user was
not yet authenticated.  Can that be changed to "Re-authenticate user"?

I tried twice to have a private+unverified conversation going with the same
(pidgin) collapsed user, and see if it would fault back to the unverified
instead of the private user but failed. So if that's part of the design, kudos!
If it was just accident, please consider it a feature request :)

Fedora packages have been build into devel, and should migrate into the
releases over the next two days.


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