[OTR-users] Pidgin OTR Configuration button issue fixed. . .

Gilles Gravier Gilles at Gravier.org
Wed May 9 04:29:46 EDT 2007


On my side, I've built it, directly, and run it, flawlessly, on Solaris 
(Solaris Express, Build 63 - You can download it from 
http://www.opensolaris.org/os/downloads/sol_ex_dvd/ ).

To compile it, I just did : ./configure --prefix=/usr 
--disable-gevolution --disable-perl MAKE=gmake

(the gevolution tag and the perl tag come from my normal GAIM/PIDGIN 
build options - probably no effect on otr)


iCE Breaker wrote:
> Again, this is just to make it so you guys have something that works.  I know there's people who are like me and run bleeding-edge stuff. :)  
>     http://www.cyberdyne.org/~icebrkr/files/pidgin-otr-3.0.1.tar.gz
> Ok, the configure button works in this version..
> I'll leave it up to the authors to figure out what to do about filenaming and official releases.. I just had a few emails about the configuration button and it was something I overlooked.. Sorry. 
> --
> Tim
> http://www.cyberdyne.org/~icebrkr
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