[OTR-users] Creators and Ambitions

Wed Apr 5 16:33:52 EDT 2006

This is just a general question of the people involved in the OTR project.

Obviously OTR has a lot to do with giving power to individuals, in light of
potential evesdropping by government agencies (which seem to be a bigger
issue than your casual online bandit).  What other ideas and goals do you
have to that end?  I think a lot of us would be really interested in hearing
more about your philosophy and such.  I have imagined TOR-like serverless
systems for allowing anonymous encrypted communication between parties who
identify themselves only by means of their digital signatures.  There's also
Chaum's blinded signatures for digital cash, which I really wish someone
would implement via some offshore company, now that the patent has expired.

This is kind of an incoherent series of questions, but it seems like these
are issues that a lot of OTR users would have some interest in.  So many
people talk a lot about concepts like anonymous digital cash, and Mixminion
and all of that.  But OTR has come to fruition with such sound and
intelligent backing, and frequent support directly from you guys.  How many
similar projects can say that?

But the one thing we don't ever hear about is who you guys are and what
you're really striving for.  Is it just encryption for the sake of security,
or do you have bigger more philisophical goals?  Are you agents of the NSA,
conspiring to trick us into revealing our secrets under the false sense of
security? :)

And now that you've graduated, what do you guys do in your professional
lives, for income?  Maybe none of this is any of our business, but I for one
have a lot of curiosity about what these folks behind OTR are like.

Thanks for your time,

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