[OTR-users] Perfect Forward Secrecy

Moritz 'Morty' Strübe morty at gmx.net
Mon Mar 28 15:06:37 EST 2005

Ian Goldberg wrote:

>[It's "perfect forward secrecy", not "p.f. security".]
>On Mon, Mar 28, 2005 at 01:59:41PM -0500, Jason Cohen wrote:
>>The keysize of the DH only has to be large enough that you're
>>  comfortable with the adversary having to break a DH key agreement *per
>>  message*, since (approximately) each message you send is encrypted
>>  with a new key, derived from a fresh DH key agreement.
>>If an adversary steals your private key and can break one message,
>>don't they have all the needed information to decrypt the next
>>message? They have the key used to encrypt the next message as well as
>>the private "x" value. I'm probably just confused. I would appreciate
>>it if someone could clarify this for me.
>No; if you break DH to find the private key associated with the public
>key used to encrypt message number 1, that doesn't give you the private
>key associated with the public key used to encrypt message number 2.
>Each message (approximately) uses a brand-new DH private/public key
>pair.  You have to break DH all over again to get that second private
>key, and so on.  Knowing the DSA private key also has no effect on this
>I'm not sure that was clear enough.  Let me know if there's something
>you still don't understand.
>   - Ian
>OTR-users mailing list
>OTR-users at lists.cypherpunks.ca
Maby I can make it a bit more clear. You have a public and a private 
key. You encrypt with the public key and decrypt with the private key. 
If you only have the pub key, you can't decode the message.
If you calculate the 1st private key (wich takes lots of time) all you 
get is the 1st message and the secound public key. Now you have to 
calculate the secound private Key (wich takes a lots of time again) to 
decode the secound message and get the third public key, and so on.
As you "forget" your private key as soon as you don't need it any more 
there is no way to get it then to calculate the Private key from the 
public key,  wich as alreade mentioned taks lots of time.
Hope this maks things a bit more clear.


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