[OTR-users] sexist assumptions in README, process_receiving_im()

Gregory Maxwell gmaxwell at gmail.com
Fri Dec 2 22:52:13 EST 2005

On 12/2/05, David Thiel <lx at redundancy.redundancy.org> wrote:
> > I don't think it would be bad to rephrase it to avoid a pronoun
> > alltogher, but it strikes me as an odd complaint.
> In my opinion, that's probably the best course. The complaint is mostly
> that it looks rather silly to see "Rebecca has ended his private
> communications with you". The gender in this cause is obvious to me,
> because I know this person and know that she is female.

Then why didn't you just initally suggest we change it to "Rebecca has
ended the private communcation with you" or "Private communcation
ended by remote system" or any of the other nearly infinite
permutations which involve neither gender confusion nor misuse of the
personal plural?

You could have just done that yet you saw fitting to claim sexism.
Pardon me while I cough 'bullshit'.

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