[OTR-dev] News from OTRv4

Sofía Celi cherenkov at riseup.net
Sun Mar 1 20:14:42 EST 2020

Hi, everyone!

We are very happy to announce that OTRv4 just got a grant to continue
development from the amazing NlNet foundation (https://nlnet.nl/). We
are going to focus on this grant into integrating OTRv4 to ChatSecure (a
first prototype), doing a first draft of an XEP and of a RFC, and other
things as mostly defined here: https://otrv4.gitbook.io/otrv4/

We are also very happy to announce that the source code of OTRv4 has
been migrated to the usual OTR place: https://bugs.otr.im/otrv4 . We
will keep the github repos as mirrors (http://github.com/otrv4/), but
you can still open issues in there.

Hope this will make lots of people happy ;)

Sofía Celi
Cryptographic research and implementation at Cloudflare and other places
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