[OTR-dev] IFF meeting notes - OTRv4

Paul Wouters paul at cypherpunks.ca
Thu Mar 17 17:26:46 EDT 2016

On Thu, 17 Mar 2016, David Goulet wrote:

> We've mostly discussed the OTR version 4 "design and specification".

Thanks for the notes!

> - Kill SHA1 with fire and use SHA3.

I'd be okay with SHA2 or SHA3 at this point.

> - Ratcheting: use axolotl
>  Ref: https://github.com/trevp/axolotl/wiki

good :)

> - DAKE (Deniability AKE)
>  Ref: https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/~iang/pubs/dake-ccs15.pdf
>    - Proposal is being tested and written by Ian's student. O(weeks) before
>      seeing something.
>    - Free feature: offline message

Not qualified to comment on :P

> - Have an unauthenticated encrypted channel at the very beginning of the data
>  exchange.

How is that different from v3?

> Use curve25519.

Why not Curve448? We are talking about high value content that might
decades of confidentiality. See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7748#section-7

There is no mention of AES in these notes. I assume there is at least a
move from AES128 to AES256?

> - Algorithm agility is in the version protocol. Let's _NOT_ exchange ciphers
>  list.

Will the default be at first to speak both 3 and 4? eg using ?OTRv34?" Is
there some assurance this would be safe against a downgrade attack so
that two clients capable of speaking v4 will not end up on v3 and thus
have a far lower security due to aes128/sha1/modp1536 ?

> - Improve version rollback issues with v4.

Probably related?



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