[OTR-dev] IFF meeting notes - OTRv4

Ximin Luo infinity0 at pwned.gg
Wed Aug 17 14:17:00 EDT 2016

David Goulet:
> - DAKE (Deniability AKE)
>   Ref: https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/~iang/pubs/dake-ccs15.pdf
>     - Proposal is being tested and written by Ian's student. O(weeks) before
>       seeing something.
>     - Free feature: offline message

Hi Ian, could you elaborate both on the /current status/ and the /meaning/ of the above?

(Yes, I was at the meeting, but missed the start where you might have properly explained this, and this e-mail doesn't contain the details.)

What needs to be done by your student? The CCS paper, linked above, seems to be relatively complete and not missing any key holes. But I just I spoke to David and he seems to believe that we're all still waiting on something important from your student.

(I still need to read it in full; I had thought "deniability vs online judge" was theoretically impossible but I will have to dig out the paper where I read that and compare the two definitions. But the general structure seems "ready to go", hence my confusion.)


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