[OTR-dev] java otr

Nils Braden nils.braden at web.de
Tue May 18 12:11:46 EDT 2010


I am well aware of hte otr4j-project mentioned in mid-2009 but i would feel more comfortable using the "official"
library instead. I just started yesterday with looking at your java-otr 0.1.0 and am stuck with the management of
persistent data such as private keys and fingerprints. Is it so that there is nothing implemented yet or am i missing
something important? I just cant find a place to handle fingerprints and as far as i an see they are put into a
Hashtable which is never saved anywhere and initialized empty every time you start the application.

I would appreciate any input on how to handle the datastorage with the library.

Best regards,


|  mail    nils.braden at web.de  |
|  gnupg           0x15C9020E  |
|  skype          nils.braden  |
|  jabber      n at pentabarf.de  |
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