[OTR-dev] Cross compile pidgin-otr for windows

Ian Goldberg ian at cypherpunks.ca
Sun Jul 19 16:41:56 EDT 2009

On Sun, Jul 19, 2009 at 07:33:54PM -0000, Sec wrote:
> It was looking for X11 stuff due to some header file in
> /usr/include/gtk-2.0/gdk/gdkx.h I think. I thought it will get the gtk
> paths from GTK_HDRS ?= `pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0 gtk+-2.0` (in
> Makefile.mingw) and we dont need have them in
> /usr/i586-mingw32msvc/include ? 

The problem is that the GTK header files in /usr/include reference X11
stuff (as they should).  You need the Windows version (no X11) installed
in /usr/i586-mingw32msvc/include.

This is what I see.

$ ls -R /usr/i586-mingw32msvc/include/gtk-2.0
gdk  gdk-pixbuf  gtk

gdkalias.h           gdkdrawable.h   gdkimage.h    gdkprivate.h    gdktypes.h
gdkcairo.h           gdkenumtypes.h  gdkinput.h    gdkproperty.h   gdkvisual.h
gdkcolor.h           gdkevents.h     gdkkeys.h     gdkregion.h     gdkwin32.h
gdkcursor.h          gdkfont.h       gdkkeysyms.h  gdkrgb.h        gdkwindow.h
gdkdisplay.h         gdkgc.h         gdkpango.h    gdkscreen.h
gdkdisplaymanager.h  gdk.h           gdkpixbuf.h   gdkselection.h
gdkdnd.h             gdki18n.h       gdkpixmap.h   gdkspawn.h

gdk-pixbuf-animation.h   gdk-pixbuf.h          gdk-pixbuf-simple-anim.h
gdk-pixbuf-core.h        gdk-pixbuf-io.h       gdk-pixbuf-transform.h
gdk-pixbuf-enum-types.h  gdk-pixbuf-loader.h   gdk-pixdata.h
gdk-pixbuf-features.h    gdk-pixbuf-marshal.h

gtkaboutdialog.h           gtk.h                       gtkrecentfilter.h
gtkaccelgroup.h            gtkhandlebox.h              gtkrecentmanager.h
gtkaccellabel.h            gtkhbbox.h                  gtkruler.h
gtkaccelmap.h              gtkhbox.h                   gtkscale.h
gtkaccessible.h            gtkhpaned.h                 gtkscrollbar.h
gtkactiongroup.h           gtkhruler.h                 gtkscrolledwindow.h
gtkaction.h                gtkhscale.h                 gtkselection.h
gtkadjustment.h            gtkhscrollbar.h             gtkseparator.h
gtkalignment.h             gtkhseparator.h             gtkseparatormenuitem.h
gtkarrow.h                 gtkiconfactory.h            gtkseparatortoolitem.h
gtkaspectframe.h           gtkicontheme.h              gtksettings.h
gtkassistant.h             gtkiconview.h               gtksignal.h
gtkbbox.h                  gtkimage.h                  gtksizegroup.h
gtkbindings.h              gtkimagemenuitem.h          gtksocket.h
gtkbin.h                   gtkimcontext.h              gtkspinbutton.h
gtkbox.h                   gtkimcontextsimple.h        gtkstatusbar.h
gtkbutton.h                gtkimmodule.h               gtkstatusicon.h
gtkcalendar.h              gtkimmulticontext.h         gtkstock.h
gtkcelleditable.h          gtkinputdialog.h            gtkstyle.h
gtkcelllayout.h            gtkinvisible.h              gtktable.h
gtkcellrendereraccel.h     gtkitemfactory.h            gtktearoffmenuitem.h
gtkcellrenderercombo.h     gtkitem.h                   gtktextbuffer.h
gtkcellrenderer.h          gtklabel.h                  gtktextbufferrichtext.h
gtkcellrendererpixbuf.h    gtklayout.h                 gtktextchild.h
gtkcellrendererprogress.h  gtklinkbutton.h             gtktextdisplay.h
gtkcellrendererspin.h      gtklist.h                   gtktext.h
gtkcellrenderertext.h      gtklistitem.h               gtktextiter.h
gtkcellrenderertoggle.h    gtkliststore.h              gtktextlayout.h
gtkcellview.h              gtkmain.h                   gtktextmark.h
gtkcheckbutton.h           gtkmarshal.h                gtktexttag.h
gtkcheckmenuitem.h         gtkmenubar.h                gtktexttagtable.h
gtkclipboard.h             gtkmenu.h                   gtktextview.h
gtkclist.h                 gtkmenuitem.h               gtktipsquery.h
gtkcolorbutton.h           gtkmenushell.h              gtktoggleaction.h
gtkcolorseldialog.h        gtkmenutoolbutton.h         gtktogglebutton.h
gtkcolorsel.h              gtkmessagedialog.h          gtktoggletoolbutton.h
gtkcomboboxentry.h         gtkmisc.h                   gtktoolbar.h
gtkcombobox.h              gtkmodules.h                gtktoolbutton.h
gtkcombo.h                 gtknotebook.h               gtktoolitem.h
gtkcontainer.h             gtkobject.h                 gtktooltips.h
gtkctree.h                 gtkoldeditable.h            gtktreednd.h
gtkcurve.h                 gtkoptionmenu.h             gtktree.h
gtkdebug.h                 gtkpagesetup.h              gtktreeitem.h
gtkdialog.h                gtkpaned.h                  gtktreemodelfilter.h
gtkdnd.h                   gtkpapersize.h              gtktreemodel.h
gtkdrawingarea.h           gtkpixmap.h                 gtktreemodelsort.h
gtkeditable.h              gtkplug.h                   gtktreeselection.h
gtkentrycompletion.h       gtkpreview.h                gtktreesortable.h
gtkentry.h                 gtkprintcontext.h           gtktreestore.h
gtkenums.h                 gtkprintoperation.h         gtktreeviewcolumn.h
gtkeventbox.h              gtkprintoperationpreview.h  gtktreeview.h
gtkexpander.h              gtkprintsettings.h          gtktypebuiltins.h
gtkfilechooserbutton.h     gtkprivate.h                gtktypeutils.h
gtkfilechooserdialog.h     gtkprogressbar.h            gtkuimanager.h
gtkfilechooser.h           gtkprogress.h               gtkvbbox.h
gtkfilechooserwidget.h     gtkradioaction.h            gtkvbox.h
gtkfilefilter.h            gtkradiobutton.h            gtkversion.h
gtkfilesel.h               gtkradiomenuitem.h          gtkviewport.h
gtkfilesystem.h            gtkradiotoolbutton.h        gtkvpaned.h
gtkfixed.h                 gtkrange.h                  gtkvruler.h
gtkfontbutton.h            gtkrc.h                     gtkvscale.h
gtkfontsel.h               gtkrecentchooserdialog.h    gtkvscrollbar.h
gtkframe.h                 gtkrecentchooser.h          gtkvseparator.h
gtkgamma.h                 gtkrecentchoosermenu.h      gtkwidget.h
gtkgc.h                    gtkrecentchooserwidget.h    gtkwindow.h

> Should I have compiled gtk also in the mingw environment instead ?
> (Looking the above pkg-config in the Makefile.mingw I though native
> one should do). I tried also compiling gtk using the same configure
> method as in libotr (./configure --with-pic --build=`./config.guess`
> --host=i586mingw32msvc --prefix=/usr/i586-mingw32msvc) but not with
> much luck.

I certainly didn't compile gtk myself.  I'm sure I found a
tarball/zipfile of the Windows GTK headers somewhere.  But it was years
ago, so I have no memory of where, unfortunately.

> Also I think the pidgin source is same for windows or linux (?)

Yes, that's probably true.

> I had extracted the tarball into my home directory and set the paths
> in Makefile.mingw of the pidgin-otr to directory that contained
> pidgin-source-root/pidgin and pidgin-source-root/libpurple
> respectively (this make it get the header files except gtkwin32dep.h
> which was in pidgin-source-root/pidgin/win32 and win32dep.h which was
> in pidgin-source-root/libpurple/win32. So simply copied these two
> *win32dep.h one directory up and compiled). 

I do have files names /usr/i586-mingw32msvc/include/pidgin/gtkwin32dep.h
and /usr/i586-mingw32msvc/include/libpurple/win32dep.h on my system.

   - Ian

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