[OTR-dev] Pidgin plugin development and GUI look

Kjell Braden fnord at pentabarf.de
Mon May 26 08:03:40 EDT 2008

Am Montag, den 26.05.2008, 12:25 +0200 schrieb hcat at gmx.net:
> Hi everyone.
> I have been interested in OTR in the past but back then missing support in various widely used clients prevented me from using it. But now the situation seems to be better, with Pidgin, Kopete, Miranda Trillian and Gajim supporting OTR.
> Personally I use Pidgin, so I'm testing with the 3.1.0 plugin ATM. I'm wondering if there has been any development on the Pidgin plugin since the last release (and I did not find any public SVN etc). I'm mostly wondering about the integration into Pidgin's GUI and the user interaction.
> For example, the OTR "button" is drawn for any protocol I use ATM. For protocols where I do not have generated a key, it should probably not be shown. Also, this "button" takes a lot of space and I'm wondering if it could be made more compact or even be moved to the chat toolbar?
> Finally I'm wondering about the icons. The current set of icons is based on the old Gaim icon and does not really fit the style of Pidgin (which uses Tango icons). What icons do other clients use for the OTR states? IMHO it would be important to have the same metaphor for those states on different clients. Each client would then implement the official metaphor in it's own art style (e.g. Tango look for Pidgin).
> Cheers,
> Michael 

Just FYI: gajim-svn currently uses the gtk-dialog-authentication stock
icon to use the same UI as the esession (jabber-specific OTR-like
encryption) uses.
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