[OTR-dev] pidgin-otr: mode 600 instead of 644

Caspar Clemens Mierau damokles at ubuntu.com
Tue Jun 17 08:17:14 EDT 2008


after reading


I checked the .purple/otr.* files created by pidgin-otr. They have a
mode 644 which is at least for otr.private_key a security issue and
breaks the design of .purple which actually makes files 0600.

I wrote a small six line patch and successfully applied and tested it.
Would you please check it and consider applying it to your upstream

Patch is attached.


Caspar Clemens Mierau

Caspar Clemens Mierau
 Dipl.-Kult. (Medien)
 official "Ubuntu member"
 ubuntu Deutschland e.V.
 Ubuntu Berlin
 c-base e.V.

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