[OTR-dev] Unlocalized message

Ian Goldberg ian at cypherpunks.ca
Mon Sep 3 17:47:29 EDT 2007

On Sun, Sep 02, 2007 at 11:52:16PM +0200, Thomas B. wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 02, 2007 at 10:58:57PM +0200, Michael Meier wrote:
> > I've experienced the unlocalized message "Your message was not sent. 
> > Either end your private conversation, or restart it." With simple
> > grepping through the source files, i couldn't find out, where this
> > message originates. Could you provide any hints, why this occurs?
> Right, the reason for this is that several such messages are not
> generated by pidgin-otr, but by libotr itself. You can find this message
> in libotr's src/message.c, for example.
> There have been discussions on this list some months ago about what
> would be the best way to internationalise libotr, and I think the idea
> was to just move all UI messages out of libotr and modify the API such
> that libotr passes some sort of enum'd error code to the UI instead of a
> text message, and then the UI plugin can generate a suitable message (in
> the right language) to display to the user.
> I don't know if anyone has been working on that, though (I can't do it
> unfortunately, because I'm quite busy with university at the moment).

That's all correct.  It's part of the plan for 4.0, but no one's
actually started working on 4.0 yet.

   - Ian

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