[OTR-dev] Verifies that Alice's gy is a legal value...

Donny Viszneki donny.viszneki at gmail.com
Sat May 12 02:49:50 EDT 2007

I've been working on writing my own complete implementation of OTR
version 2 including implementing all of the functionality it depends
on from libgcrypt. I'm not retarded, but my background isn't in
cryptography or math. So I have a pretty simple question that probably
anyone on the list could tell me.

In the OTR protocol version 2 description, a "modulus-2" function is
referenced twice:

Verifies that Alice's gy is a legal value (2 <= gy <= modulus-2)
Verifies that Bob's gx is a legal value (2 <= gx <= modulus-2)

What is this function? I can't seem to find any information on it.
Every time I need a break from other OTR-related work, I decided to
look around for it some more. Now I've finally decided to just ask the
list. So what's the answer?!

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