[OTR-dev] TrillianOTR is now GPL'd

Twan Fox twanfox at gmail.com
Thu Feb 1 17:15:23 EST 2007


I had previously mentioned on this list that I had written a OTR plugin 
for Trillian. Sadly, this plugin is in, what I would call, a development 
state due to the fact that it doesn't behave nearly as well as I would 
like with the dialog messages. There are reasons for that, some of which 
may be beyond my control. Regardless, at the time I made such an 
announcement, I had not released the source code for it. Some had 
prompted for the ability to see the source, to ensure that nothing 
nefarious was happening. That and a bit of slowdown on my part has 
prompted the GPLing of the source code.

For those curious, for those that want to spot check my work, and for 
those that won't trust it any other way, the source for the plugin can 
be found on the project's homepage at http://trillianotr.kittyfox.net/. 
A bundled development environment of the plugin itself as well as a 
slightly modified libgcrypt (prereq for the plugin) is present there.

(The modification revolves around a severe lag in initializing the 
secure memory pool of libgcrypt. Instead of letting it run until it runs 
out of source information, the patch simply caps it out. The source is 
there for it and the changes, including the build environment used to 
make it all).


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