[OTR-dev] Building an OTR plugin for Trillian 3.1

s0rr0w mr.s0rr0w at gmail.com
Thu Feb 16 07:58:10 EST 2006

Twan Fox ha scritto:
> Ok, well, I don't know what I did differently yesterday to today, but it
> seems like I just figured out how to make a libotr 'head' build of a
> VS.NETcompatable static library.

>>>> Any assistance is gladly appreciated.
>>> Francesco "s0rr0w" Picasso reported he'd done this:
>>> http://lists.cypherpunks.ca/pipermail/otr-dev/2005-October/000428.html
>>>   - Ian

hi all,
I have not updated the project on sourcesafe, but I will do
Twan: if you need help feel free to write directly to me,
if argument is off-topic

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