[OTR-dev] OTR encryption state
Evan Schoenberg
evan.s at dreskin.net
Thu Jan 27 17:33:57 EST 2005
That's brilliant :)
On Jan 27, 2005, at 4:22 PM, Ian Goldberg wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 27, 2005 at 03:20:23PM -0600, Evan Schoenberg wrote:
>>> OPPORTUNISTIC: (the current mode) probe the other side with the
>>> whitespace tag, and reply to any indication that he
>>> speaks OTR with a Key Exchange Message (if we're not
>>> already private)
>> How does the "whitespace tag" work? Do all contacts I speak with
>> which
>> don't have OTR receive an IM from me every time I start a chat? This
>> doesn't seem to be the case.. but it's the current mode.
> It's the clever thing suggested by Gregory Maxwell. The first time you
> send a message to someone, append a magic pattern of whitespace. OTR
> clients recognize the whitespace at the end of the message, and
> opportunistically start OTR. It's just meant as a more invisible
> (and automatic) version of the OTR Query message.
> So in OPPORTUNISTIC mode, if you send any old message to someone who
> speaks OTR (and is also in OPPORTUNISTIC mode), OTR will start.
>>> MANUAL: Don't send the whitespace tag, and don't reply to one you
>>> receive. Respond to explicit OTR Query Messages and Key
>>> Exchange
>>> Messages, but not other indications of OTR. This mode is
>>> useful if you for some reason want to communicate in the
>>> clear, even though you know the other guy speaks OTR, and
>>> also allow either side to start a private conversation
>>> at any time. [If you don't want to allow that last
>>> condition, use NEVER instead.]
>> This seems more like the current mode to me. How would it differ from
>> current behavior?
> MANUAL only starts OTR in response to explicit requests to do so.
> OPPORTUNISTIC (the current mode) starts OTR in response to any
> indication the other side speaks OTR, including the whitespace tag and
> OTR Error messages.
> - Ian
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