Evan Schoenberg evan.s at dreskin.net
Wed Jan 26 11:26:45 EST 2005

On Jan 26, 2005, at 9:18 AM, Greg Troxel wrote:

> Sure, but this is way down on the usability scale.  I suspect almost
> no one does this, so perhaps showing the conection hashes should be a
> 'show details' option, rather than a 'in your face' behavior.

*nod* That's how Adium is going to handle it.  The menu off the 
locked/unlocked emblem (currently in the message window toolbar, will 
probably make its way elsewhere as well) has:
Initiate encrypted OTR chat
Show details...
About encryption...

Where initiate toggles to cancel once you are connected, show details 
is desensitized/disabled until connected, and about encryption gives a 
brief description of OTR and a link to the web site for more 

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