[OTR-dev] AES128 CTR?

alex323 alex323 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 18 19:39:44 EST 2005

That class does have a CTS mode:

RijndaelManaged rm = new RijndaelManaged();
rm.Mode = CipherMode.CTS;

Do you think it's the same?

Ian Goldberg wrote:

>On Tue, Jan 18, 2005 at 02:07:45PM -0500, alex323 wrote:
>>Nice. Rijndael requires a few parameters. It requires a plain text, 
>>passphrase, salt, hash algo, # of password iterations, an IV, and a 
>>keysize. I'm assuming that the passphrase is the "sending/receiving AES 
>>key", the salt can be anything, the hash algo is sha1, the # of password 
>>iterations is 2, the IV is anything, and they keysize is 256. is this 
>>right? Please correct me if I am wrong. See: 
>No, that's not right.  The parameters for that class seem to indicate
>it's using a stretched passphrase for the key, then doing AES256 in CBC
>OTR gives you the key directly, and uses AES128 in CTR mode.
>   - Ian
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