I've been having a problem recently. Here is my system info:<br><br>OS: Fedora release 10 (Cambridge), #1 SMP<br>Pidgin: 2.5.4-1.fc10<br>OTRS: 3.2.0<br><br>When communicating with individuals who have verified me and I them - I cannot read my own messages in the message window after I send to them. The message looks like if you try to read an encrypted message without OTRS.<br>
<br>I can read my buddies IMs just fine, and they can see mine, but as for me seeing my own - doesn't work. I had this same issue on another machine with very similar specs to the ones above. This machine is a brand new installation and it actually *worked* when I first installed pidgin, and otrs. Then after a reboot, I believe, is where I started having this problem.<br>
<br>Any direction/suggestions would be much appreciated...this is a pretty sizable pain. Thanks.<br><br>DE<br><br>