regarding the html tags observed by miranda users:<br><br>miranda does under certain circumstances (depending on which messaging plugins etc are in use) understand the 'square brackets markup' ("bbcodes") - but does not undertstand html natively
<br><br>it is my understanding (please correct me if i'm wrong) that both trillian and gaim undertstand html natively<br><br>my position is that this is a gaim/trillian error - html tags are not supported by most im protocols - to my knowledge only AIM allows and prescribes that clients understand these tags. the AIM miranda pluigin has recently been altered to allow the OTR plugin the opportunity to decript messages before these tags are filtered by the protocol plugin - so at least for AIM this issue should have been resolved (note that there is an additional complication here when using the 'metacontacts' plugin that has also been resolved in the most recent release)
<br><br>i am led to beleive that for other protocols (e.g. icq etc) trillian and gaim should not be trasnmitting these tags with the expectation that other clients will understand them<br><br>a not insignificant amount of re-engineering was required with OTR/AIM/Miranda to allow correct operation - i am not at all familiar with the information path under trillian/gaim but i would not be at all surprised if there are architectural issues when it comes to decription of messages and the access plugins/protocols have as they make there way from the network level to the UI level