maybe i wasn't paying attention when somebody previously brought this
up, but where can i get the source for otr for gaim 2 for *nix?<br>
thanks<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>"..any time you hear the United States government talking about wiretap, it requires--<br>a wiretap requires a court order. ..Constitutional guarantees are in place when it comes<br>
to doing what is necessary to protect our homeland, because we value the Constitution."<br><br>George W. Bush, 2004 April 20<br><br>"..the NSA has been monitoring phone calls and e-mails in which one party to the
<br>conversation was inside the United States. The warrantless wiretaps allegedly fly in<br>the face of standing federal surveillance law."<br><br><a href=",2933,180149,00.html">,2933,180149,00.html