[OTR-dev] session termination

Tim timg10 at gmx.net
Fri May 25 05:57:38 EDT 2007


I want to bring up the session termination bug one more time (see Scott
Ellis' mails for details).
Shouldn't it be quite easy to write a patch for the Gaim/Pidgin plugin
in order to make it stop an OTR session as soon as one user goes offline?
I recently read a bit of the plugin's source code, but since I haven't
read Gaim's source code yet, I would need quite some time to do it myself.
So I'm asking if anyone of you is willing to write a patch. You would
have it done within a few minutes, I guess. It could remain inofficial,
but it would make OTR usable for me and my friends.
Right now we have disabled our OTR plugins because that bug is so


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