[OTR-dev] Verifies that Alice's gy is a legal value...

Len Sassaman rabbi at abditum.com
Sat May 12 13:58:31 EDT 2007

On Sat, 12 May 2007, Donny Viszneki wrote:

> That's hilarious. I had three people tell me this was NOT what was
> meant by "Modulus-2." How disappointing. Thanks so much for your help
> Ian.

That's probably worth throwing into a comment in the code somewhere
appropriate, since even though I know better, "modulus-2" reads as
"modulus dash two" to me, which could mean any number of things.

Is anyone keeping a collection of questions that independent implemetors
are asking? I'd be particularly interested in what Evan had to ask about
-- these questions might be a good basis for an implementor FAQ or areas
of clarification in the spec / library docs / code.


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