[OTR-dev] Queuing of messages before the connection is established

Ian Goldberg ian at cypherpunks.ca
Tue Feb 8 11:03:35 EST 2005

On Tue, Feb 08, 2005 at 12:52:07AM -0600, Evan Schoenberg wrote:
> Using libotr and gaim-otr 1.9.9 on both sides.  We're both using 
> OPPORTUNISTIC policy, and have already exchanged fingerprints.  Isn't 
> the message queuing supposed to handle the case where:
> - we are  having a secure chat
> - he quits and relaunches his client.  I'm still in a secure chat, with 
> him, as far as my client is concerned.
> - he sends me a message in plaintext
> Shouldn't it re-negotiate the secure connected before he sends, if 
> possible, and then send his message, rather than sending his message, 
> telling me the message was not encrypted, and then handshaking?

No, that's exactly the difference between OPPORTUNISTIC and ALWAYS.
In OPPORTUNISTIC, it will start OTR at any indication the other guy's
client (currently) speaks it, but it won't presume that it does.  In
ALWAYS, it does so presume, and it's an error if he doesn't.

   - Ian

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